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Hi, I am Dr. Rajen Manicka
Dr. Rajen M. obtained his Bachelor of Pharmacy from Universiti Sains Malaysia. He went on to a Masters in Business Administration from the University of Strathclyde, Scotland. He also holds a Doctorate In Holistic Medicine from University of LaSalle, Louisiana, USA.
Dr. Rajen M. is the founder and CEO of Holista Colltech Ltd a biotech company listed in Australian Stock Exchange focusing in the natural products biotechnology space. He writes the Health Column in the Sunday Times. He used to write in The Star previous to this.
Dr. Rajen M. used to lecture in alternative medicine in Universiti Malaya, Univesiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and International Medical University. He is also the Managing Editor of the Journal of Tropical Medicinal Plants – the only journal in the world that focuses on medicinal plants from the tropics. He has been active in the industry and was actually a member of the Ministry of Health´s Standing Committee in Traditional Medicine. He has also served as Organizing Chairman of the three series of the Woman´s Health And Asian Traditional Medicine (WHAT Medicine).